[][src]Trait wasm_bindgen::JsCast

pub trait JsCast where
    Self: AsRef<JsValue> + Into<JsValue>, 
{ fn instanceof(val: &JsValue) -> bool;
fn unchecked_from_js(val: JsValue) -> Self;
fn unchecked_from_js_ref(val: &JsValue) -> &Self; fn has_type<T>(&self) -> bool
        T: JsCast
, { ... }
fn dyn_into<T>(self) -> Result<T, Self>
        T: JsCast
, { ... }
fn dyn_ref<T>(&self) -> Option<&T>
        T: JsCast
, { ... }
fn unchecked_into<T>(self) -> T
        T: JsCast
, { ... }
fn unchecked_ref<T>(&self) -> &T
        T: JsCast
, { ... }
fn is_instance_of<T>(&self) -> bool
        T: JsCast
, { ... }
fn is_type_of(val: &JsValue) -> bool { ... } }

A trait for checked and unchecked casting between JS types.

Specified in an RFC this trait is intended to provide support for casting JS values between differnet types of one another. In JS there aren't many static types but we've ascribed JS values with static types in Rust, yet they often need to be switched to other types temporarily! This trait provides both checked and unchecked casting into various kinds of values.

This trait is automatically implemented for any type imported in a #[wasm_bindgen] extern block.

Required methods

fn instanceof(val: &JsValue) -> bool[]

Performs a dynamic instanceof check to see whether the JsValue provided is an instance of this type.

This is intended to be an internal implementation detail, you likely won't need to call this. It's generally called through the is_instance_of method instead.

fn unchecked_from_js(val: JsValue) -> Self[]

Performs a zero-cost unchecked conversion from a JsValue into an instance of Self

This is intended to be an internal implementation detail, you likely won't need to call this.

fn unchecked_from_js_ref(val: &JsValue) -> &Self[]

Performs a zero-cost unchecked conversion from a &JsValue into an instance of &Self.

Note the safety of this method, which basically means that Self must be a newtype wrapper around JsValue.

This is intended to be an internal implementation detail, you likely won't need to call this.

Provided methods

fn has_type<T>(&self) -> bool where
    T: JsCast

Test whether this JS value has a type T.

This method will dynamically check to see if this JS object can be casted to the JS object of type T. Usually this uses the instanceof operator. This also works with primitive types like booleans/strings/numbers as well as cross-realm object like Array which can originate from other iframes.

In general this is intended to be a more robust version of is_instance_of, but if you want strictly the instanceof operator it's recommended to use that instead.

fn dyn_into<T>(self) -> Result<T, Self> where
    T: JsCast

Performs a dynamic cast (checked at runtime) of this value into the target type T.

This method will return Err(self) if self.has_type::<T>() returns false, and otherwise it will return Ok(T) manufactured with an unchecked cast (verified correct via the has_type operation).

fn dyn_ref<T>(&self) -> Option<&T> where
    T: JsCast

Performs a dynamic cast (checked at runtime) of this value into the target type T.

This method will return None if self.has_type::<T>() returns false, and otherwise it will return Some(&T) manufactured with an unchecked cast (verified correct via the has_type operation).

fn unchecked_into<T>(self) -> T where
    T: JsCast

Performs a zero-cost unchecked cast into the specified type.

This method will convert the self value to the type T, where both self and T are simple wrappers around JsValue. This method does not check whether self is an instance of T. If used incorrectly then this method may cause runtime exceptions in both Rust and JS, this should be used with caution.

fn unchecked_ref<T>(&self) -> &T where
    T: JsCast

Performs a zero-cost unchecked cast into a reference to the specified type.

This method will convert the self value to the type T, where both self and T are simple wrappers around JsValue. This method does not check whether self is an instance of T. If used incorrectly then this method may cause runtime exceptions in both Rust and JS, this should be used with caution.

This method, unlike unchecked_into, does not consume ownership of self and instead works over a shared reference.

fn is_instance_of<T>(&self) -> bool where
    T: JsCast

Test whether this JS value is an instance of the type T.

This method performs a dynamic check (at runtime) using the JS instanceof operator. This method returns self instanceof T.

Note that instanceof does not always work with primitive values or across different realms (e.g. iframes). If you're not sure whether you specifically need only instanceof it's recommended to use has_type instead.

fn is_type_of(val: &JsValue) -> bool[]

Performs a dynamic check to see whether the JsValue provided is a value of this type.

Unlike instanceof, this can be specialised to use a custom check by adding a #[wasm_bindgen(is_type_of = callback)] attribute to the type import declaration.

Other than that, this is intended to be an internal implementation detail of has_type and you likely won't need to call this.


impl JsCast for JsValue[src][+]