[][src]Crate xterm_js_sys



Build Status License: MIT crates.io API Docs

Rust bindings for xterm.js.

xterm-js-sys with-input demo


Currently this covers most of the xterm.js API.

This crate has two features:

This crate also does support the infrastructure xterm.js has for addons. It also lets you define your own addons in Rust, if you'd like. Currently only the xterm-addon-fit package has Rust bindings. If you do end up making bindings for an xterm.js addon (or your own addon in Rust), feel free to send in a PR to update this list!

xterm.js addons

First party addon packages:


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

xterm-js-sys = "4.6.0-alpha1"

And make sure that your bundler/JS package manager is set to grab the corresponding verison of the xterm.js package. The examples in this repo use parcel for which all that's needed is adding xterm to your package.json:

  "dependencies": {
    "xterm": "^4.6.0"

Make sure you also add the packages for any addons you're using; see our examples' package.json for an example.

The xterm.js documentation is a good reference for actual usage of the API; these bindings are usually one to one. Though, as of this writing, the xterm.js docs still correspond to version 4.4.


This repo has a few examples that show usage of the bindings, usage with the ext feature, and usage with crossterm and the tui crate.

To build these, enter the folder of the example you wish to run (i.e. examples/basic) and:

It should (hopefully) just work! 🤞

These examples are also deployed here.

Minimum Supported Rust Version (MSRV)

This crate is currently guaranteed to compile on stable Rust 1.43 and newer. We offer no guarantees that this will remain true in future releases but do promise to always support (at minimum) the latest stable Rust version and to document changes to the MSRV in the changelog.


PRs are (very) welcome!

A Live Demo


pub use xterm::Terminal;



Supporting types for a xterm.js-backed backend for crossterm.


Glue for the Xterm.js types.


A type that emulates TypeScript's ReadOnlyArray interface.


Bindings for the xterm.js public API.



Creates a Rust trait to match a particular JS interface.


Defines a JS object with some properties.



Mirrors TypeScript's ReadOnlyArray interface.



Converts an i32 into an Option<u32> (following the JS convention where -1 indicates an error/lack of an element).