CompileError | The WebAssembly.CompileError() constructor creates a new
WebAssembly CompileError object, which indicates an error during
WebAssembly decoding or validation.
Instance | A WebAssembly.Instance object is a stateful, executable instance
of a WebAssembly.Module . Instance objects contain all the exported
WebAssembly functions that allow calling into WebAssembly code from
LinkError | The WebAssembly.LinkError() constructor creates a new WebAssembly
LinkError object, which indicates an error during module
instantiation (besides traps from the start function).
Memory | MDN documentation
Module | A WebAssembly.Module object contains stateless WebAssembly code
that has already been compiled by the browser and can be
efficiently shared with Workers, and instantiated multiple times.
RuntimeError | The WebAssembly.RuntimeError() constructor creates a new WebAssembly
RuntimeError object — the type that is thrown whenever WebAssembly
specifies a trap.
Table | The WebAssembly.Table() constructor creates a new Table object
of the given size and element type.